BJ ENERGY INTL’s Zuoyi Houqi Banner 1 Million-KW Wind Power Project in Horqin, Tongliao Successfully Connected to the Grid

Green Energy Sets Sail, Ushering in a New Era of Zero-Carbon for the Million-KW Project

— BJ ENERGY INTL’s Zuoyi Houqi Banner 1 Million-KW Wind Power Project in Horqin, Tongliao Successfully Connected to the Grid

The summer sun scorches the earth like fire, and beads of sweat roll down the faces of the workers. After intense and orderly construction and meticulous preparation for commissioning, the four main transformers of the two 220kV substations (in the north and south area) of Beijing Energy International’s 1 million-kilowatt wind power project in Horqin, Tongliao were successfully put into operation.

On June 19, the south area’s 220kV booster station achieved backfeeding on the first attempt. On June 20, the north area’s 220kV booster station also achieved backfeeding on the first attempt. Thus, the first-attempt backfeeding task of the 220kV booster stations for the project was successfully completed, providing a strong guarantee for the subsequent grid connection of the project.

At 14:38 on June 20, with the impeller of the first wind turbine slicing through the air, the project opened a new chapter of grid-connected operation.

The project’s total installed capacity is 1 million kilowatts, consisting of 160 wind turbines each with a single unit capacity of 6,250 kilowatts. Two new 220kV booster stations have been built, connected to a 500kV collection station via two 220kV lines. Since the inception of the project, the Tongliao 100 Project team has always kept responsibility and mission in mind, adhering to the principles of scientific management, meticulous construction, and efficient collaboration. They have upheld the principles of prioritizing quality and safety, actively tackling challenges and driving the construction progress with concrete actions: completing the concrete pouring for the wind turbine foundations in 40 days; completing the topping-out of the two 220kV booster stations’ comprehensive buildings in 47 days; completing the installation of all 160 wind turbines in 156 days; successfully achieved back-feeding of the two 220kV booster stations on the first attempt in 300 days; and successfully connecting the first wind turbine to the grid in 301 days.

Looking to the future, the project team will continue to uphold their original aspirations, forge ahead, and steadily advance towards the goal of full-capacity production. They will continuously deepen technological innovation and management upgrades, optimize resource allocation, and ensure that every detail can withstand the test of time.