All Five Wind Farms of Tongliao 2.38 Million-KW Wind Power Base Project Successfully Connected to Grid for Power Generation

On June 30, the 220kV booster station and the first collector line of Beijing Energy International’s Qinghe Wind Farm in Horqin were successfully energized, marking the completion of the grid connection for all five wind farms of Tongliao 2.38 million-kilowatt wind power base project.

The project is located within the Horqin District and the Horqin Zuoyi Houqi Banner of Tongliao City in the Inner Mongolia, with a total installed capacity of 2.38 million kilowatts. The project includes the construction of one 500 kV booster station, five 220 kV booster stations, 381 wind turbines, 476 MWh of energy storage devices, and twelve 50 MVar synchronous condensers. Additionally, the project comprises five 220 kV lines, eighty-three 35kV collector lines, a total of 3,824 towers for lines of various voltage levels, and 462 kilometers of buried cables, with hundreds of various types of drillings and crossings.

The 500 kV collection booster station and the five 220 kV booster stations are key control points for the timely completion of the wind power base project. During construction, all participating units worked together, coordinating efforts, closely monitoring blueprints, expediting equipment procurement, ensuring safety, and maintaining quality. They overcame challenges such as late confirmation of system access schemes, short equipment production cycles, low winter construction temperatures, and the complexity of civil installation and commissioning. The project passed power grid company’s and quality supervision units’ acceptance checks for grid connection as scheduled.

To ensure the smooth operation of the six booster stations, the management teams at all levels of the company guided the project on-site. The Project Department organized several thematic meetings to enhance overall coordination, ensuring well-established organizational structures, complete operational plans, thorough emergency plans, and clear responsibilities. This created favorable conditions for the successful implementation of the booster station energization. Before the energization, all participating units and equipment manufacturers conducted comprehensive checks of the energization system. Through safety and technical disclosure meetings, they clarified various tasks, major operational procedures, and safety precautions to ensure the successful completion of the energization.

Next, the Project Department will continue to strengthen safety and quality management, fully advancing the grid connection of wind turbines to ensure the timely realization of full-capacity grid connection.