BJ ENERGY INTL Won 1 Million KW Wind Power Project Construction Quota in Guizhou

On July 29, Beijing Energy International achieved another milestone in its project development efforts through securing a 1 million-kilowatt wind power project construction quota in Guizhou Province. This approval marks the company’s first renewable energy project quota in Guizhou and represents a significant breakthrough in its strategic regional deployment of its renewable energy business.

The quota includes 11 wind power projects in Panzhou City, namely Danxia, Laochang, Minzhu, Xinmin, Mayi, Pannan, Yingwu, Baoji, Baiguo, Baotian, and Pingguan, with a total installed capacity of 1 million kilowatts. Once operational, these projects are expected to produce approximately 2 billion kilowatt-hours of clean green energy annually, equivalent to saving about 603,000 tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 1.656 million tons. This will further help optimize local energy structure, promote regional economic development, and contribute to Guizhou’s green, low-carbon, high-quality development.