BJ ENERGY INTL Holds Talks with Shuozhou Municipal Party Committee and Government

On August 14, Zhu Jun, President of Beijing Energy International, and his delegation visited Shuozhou City in Shanxi Province, where they met with Jiang Siqing, Secretary of the Shuozhou Municipal Party Committee, to discuss cooperative construction projects in the region.

During the meeting, Jiang warmly welcomed Zhu Jun and his team on behalf of the Party Committee and the municipal government. He highlighted that Shuozhou, a city that emerged with the reforms and opening-up policy, is the birthplace of the Youyu Spirit and is considered one of the most promising areas for development. He acknowledged Beijing Energy International’s extensive experience in investing and operating projects in fields such as new energy, green hydrogen, and intelligent computing, positioning it as an international and market-oriented investment platform. Jiang expressed hope that the company would leverage its strengths to accelerate the construction, completion, and operational effectiveness of ongoing projects. Additionally, he encouraged both parties to enhance communication and collaboration, expand areas of cooperation, and achieve mutual benefits. Shuozhou government is committed to providing robust support and creating favorable conditions for the company’s development in the region.

Zhu Jun expressed his gratitude for the long-standing support from the Shuozhou Municipal Party Committee and government and shared insights into the company’s development and future plans. He emphasized that Shuozhou possesses significant geographical advantages, a solid industrial foundation, abundant resources, and favorable development opportunities. He noted that Beijing Energy International has a flexible and efficient mechanism and is on a strong growth trajectory, with both parties sharing a common vision for green energy development. The company is committed to aligning with Shuozhou’s development needs, conducting thorough research and planning, and swiftly advancing cooperation projects in the new energy sector to contribute to the city’s high-quality development.

The meeting was also attended by He Xiangrong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shuozhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General; Liu Liang, Member of the Standing Committee and Vice Mayor of Shuozhou; Hao Yun, Secretary of the Pinglu District Party Committee; as well as Wang Ruotao, General Manager of the Northern Branch of Beijing Energy International, and Liu Yingjie, General Manager of the North China Branch, among others.