BJ ENERGY INTL Held Talks with Xide County Government of Sichuan

On May 10, Jia Geng, vice president of Beijing Energy International, met with Ling Ming, deputy secretary of the Xide County Committee and county magistrate of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, in Beijing. They held exchanges on deepening cooperation in the field of new energy.

During the meeting, both parties agreed that Xide County is well-endowed with wind and solar resources, enjoys significant geographical advantages, convenient transportation and logistics, and has excellent carrying capacity and investment environment. Beijing Energy International has flexible and efficient mechanisms and a strong development momentum. Both parties are highly aligned on the development concepts in the green energy field. In the future, they hope to continue deepening mutual trust and exchanges, focusing on new energy and other fields, actively exploring cooperation opportunities, and achieving mutual benefit, win-win development to promote the upgrading of the regional new energy industry and achieve both social and economic benefits in the region.

Ayu Muguo, member of the Xide County Committee of the Communist Party of China and deputy county magistrate, and Zhou Guo, general manager of Beijing Energy Sembcorp, along with other relevant personnel, attended the meeting.