BJ ENERGY INTL’s Distributed Photovoltaic Project at Liandong Golden Bridge, BETDA, Was Connected to Grid for Power Generation

On May 13, the distributed photovoltaic project at Liandong Golden Bridge, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BETDA), developed by Beijing Energy International, was successfully connected to the grid and began generating electricity. 

Situated within the Liandong U Valley Golden Bridge Science and Technology Park in the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BETDA), the project boasts a capacity of 2.74 megawatts, operating under “self-use with excess electricity uploading to the grid” mode. With an estimated annual production of approximately 2.96 million kWh of green electricity, the project is expected to save about 947.2 tons of standard coal annually, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by around 2,529 tons. It brings about significant social and economic benefits, contributing to the advancement of energy transformation towards low-carbon empowerment in Beijing’s industrial park.