BJ ENERGY INTL Conducted Business Exchange with Beijing Gas

On May 29, Jin Xin, Vice President of Beijing Energy International, met with Kang Yan, Chief Financial Officer of Beijing Gas Group Co., Ltd., in Beijing, to discuss the expansion of new energy business and company operation and management.

During the meeting, both parties introduced their respective company developments, business layouts, and future plans. They agreed that both companies have extensive experience and unique advantages in their respective fields, with many areas of synergy and strong complementarity in the new energy sector. The potential for cooperation is vast and promising. Moving forward, both sides will take this meeting as an opportunity to leverage their resource advantages, deepen cooperation and communication, and continuously strengthen collaborative efforts, aiming for a strong partnership and mutual development.

The meeting was attended by Zhou Lijuan, General Manager Assistant, Wang Zhigang, Deputy Chief Engineer, and You Shiying, General Manager of the Energy Development Company from Beijing Gas; and Liu Lei, Safety Production Director, Liu Jiguang, General Manager of the Business Planning Department, Wang Yakun, General Manager of the Human Resources Department, and Yin Huifeng, General Manager of the Finance Management Department from Beijing Energy International.