BJ ENERGY INTL Held Talks with Dongfang Electric Corporation

On June 7, Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Board of Beijing Energy International, met with Li Zhongjun, Vice President of Dongfang Electric Corporation (DEC) in Beijing. The two parties engaged in discussions regarding in-depth cooperation in the field of new energy.

During the meeting, both parties introduced their respective company backgrounds, business layouts, and future plans. They expressed that both companies are highly aligned in new energy development philosophies, presenting extensive opportunities and vast potential for cooperation. Moving forward, both sides will strengthen communication, leverage their resource advantages, explore innovative cooperation models, and expand the depth and breadth of their collaboration. By joining forces, they aim to achieve high-quality, mutually beneficial development and contribute to the early realization of the national dual carbon goals.

Attendees included Huang Jie, Director of the Industrial Development Department of DEC, Chen Ke, Deputy General Manager of Dongfang Electric Wind Power Co., Ltd., Jiang Guozheng, Deputy General Manager of Dongfang Electric Autocontrol Engineering Co., Ltd.; as well as Vice President Jia Geng and Vice President Wu Chaoke of Beijing Energy International, and Fan Liyun, Engineering Director, among others.