BJ ENERGY INTL’s Distributed Photovoltaic Project Achieved Full-Capacity Grid Connection for Power Generation

On May 15, the 0.75MW distributed photovoltaic project by Beijing Energy International at Huihuang International Resort, Yanqing District, Beijing, successfully achieved full-capacity grid connection for power generation.

The project is located within the Huihuang International Resort at No. 66 Gulong Road, Yanqing District, Beijing. With a total installed capacity of 0.75MW, it adopts a “self-use with excess electricity uploading to the grid” mode. Once operational, it is expected to produce approximately 852,200 kilowatt-hours of green electricity annually, equivalent to saving about 257.82 tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 704.77 tons per year. This project is the company’s first distributed photovoltaic project located in a tourist resort area. Its successful implementation is another crucial achievement of the company in promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of the capital city’s energy sector. It makes positive contributions to the optimization and adjustment of local energy structure, the enhancement of the overall image of the scenic spot, and the creation of a green resort area.