BJ ENERGY INTL Held Talks with China National Coal Group Corporation North China Company

On May 22, Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Board of Beijing Energy International, met with Zhang Jianjun, Party Secretary and Executive Director of China National Coal Group Corporation (China Coal) North China Company, in Beijing. The two sides held discussions on deepening cooperation in the field of new energy.

During the meeting, both parties introduced their respective company backgrounds, business layouts, and future plans. They agreed that Beijing Energy International and China Coal North China Company are leaders in their respective fields with significant advantages, offering broad prospects for cooperation. Moving forward, both sides will take this meeting as an opportunity to fully leverage their respective strengths, focusing on multi-dimensional cooperation in the field of new energy development, and work together towards mutual growth.

The meeting was attended by Bai Delong, Deputy General Manager of China Coal North China Company; Jin Xin, Vice President of Beijing Energy International; An Xiaoxuan, Director of the Company Office; and Chen Yuxing, Deputy General Manager of the Strategic Investment Department, among other relevant personnel.