BJ ENERGY INTL Held Talks with Jiangsu Guoxin Investment Group

On May 29, Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Board of Beijing Energy International, met with Dong Liang, Party Secretary and Chairman of Jiangsu Guoxin Investment Group(JSGX) in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The two sides exchanged on cooperation in the field of new energy. 

During the meeting, both parties introduced their respective specialized advantages, business layouts, and future plans. They agreed that both companies share similar green development concepts and have considerable cooperation potential. Moving forward, they will take this meeting as an opportunity to fully leverage their respective advantages, focusing on new energy business within Jiangsu Province, UHV (Ultra-High Voltage) transmission between Inner Mongolia and Jiangsu, and wind power, solar power and energy storage, among other areas. They aim to jointly conduct multidimensional and pragmatic cooperation to achieve common development.

Attendees from JSGX included Vice President Chen Li, Chief Economist and Party Secretary and Chairman of Jiangsu New Energy Zhu Yousheng, Director of the Party and Government Office Han Zhaohai, General Manager of the Strategy and Investment Department Zhang Yong, and General Manager of Jiangsu New Energy Chen Hua. Attendees from Beijing Energy International included Vice President Jia Geng, Company Office Director An Xiaoxuan, and General Manager of the East China Branch Company Du Wenyuan, among other relevant personnel.