BJ ENERGY INTL Held Talks with SUNREV and PowerChina Jiangxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd.

On June 13, Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Board of Beijing Energy International, held talks in Shanghai with He Qixin, Chairman of SUNREV, and Zou Shengping, Chairman of PowerChina Jiangxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd., regarding deepening cooperation in the field of new energy.

During the meeting, the three parties introduced their respective business areas, industrial layouts, and future plans. They agreed that the three companies enjoy rich experience, significant achievements, and influential brand effects in the development and construction of new energy. They recognized a strong foundation and compatibility for cooperation. Moving forward, based on their close initial contacts, the three parties will strengthen communication and coordination mechanisms. They will leverage their respective strengths, focus on areas such as new energy project development and construction, and continue to promote the establishment of a deeper strategic partnership. They aim to tap into the market potential of the Yangtze River Delta region, deepen cooperation, collaborate closely, and jointly contribute to the country’s energy transformation towards green and low-carbon development.

The meeting was attended by Vice Presidents Zhang Jing, Ze Dejuan, and Lu Shimei from SUNREV, and by Yu Feng, Deputy General Manager, Xiong Jianming, General Manager Assistant, Director of the Market Management Department, and General Manager of the Market Development Company from PowerChina Jiangxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. Also present were Vice President Jia Geng and Vice President Jin Xin, Investment Director and General Manager of the Strategic Investment Department Li Jian, and General Manager Du Wenyuan from East China Branch Company.