BJ ENERGY INTL’s Tongliao 2.38 Million KW Wind Power Base Project Achieved Grid Connection at Full Capacity

On July 17, with the completion of the final wind turbine commissioning, Beijing Energy International’s Tongliao 2.38 million kW wind power base project achieved grid connection at full capacity.

The project is located in Horqin District and Horqin Zuoyi Houqi Banner in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia. It is part of the second batch of large-scale wind power base construction projects in desert, gobi desert, and barren areas designated by the state and is a key development project during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period in Tongliao City. Since the first wind turbine was connected to the grid on May 12, 2024, it took just over 60 days to complete the grid connection of all 381 wind turbines, setting a new speed record for wind power base project construction.

Since the project’s comprehensive construction began on July 25, 2023, the entire team has faced numerous challenges, including dispersed turbine locations, tight project schedules, large regional spans, and harsh climate conditions. Throughout, the team has remained steadfast, adhering to the principle of “establishing an exemplary model with each turbine,” persevering through winter cold and snowstorms, ensuring progress and safety, and promoting high-quality and efficient project construction. In less than a year, the project has successfully started from scratch and achieved a significant leap forward.

The project has a total installed capacity of 2.38 million kW, with 380 wind turbines of 6.25 MW each and one turbine of 5.0 MW. A new 500 kV collection station and five 220 kV booster stations have been built, reliably connecting through five 220 kV lines to the 500 kV collection station. Clean energy is efficiently transmitted to the Shandong region via the Zhalute-Qingzhou ±800 kV UHVDC transmission line, achieving long-distance transmission and efficient utilization of clean energy.

The local government provided strong support throughout the project, and all participating units worked together to achieve the grid connection at full capacity smoothly. This project injects powerful momentum into the clean, low-carbon, and green transformation of Tongliao’s energy structure, bringing both economic and social benefits to the region and making an important contribution to the early realization of the national dual carbon goals.