Wind Blows in Tongliao! Crafting the “Jingneng Model” for Green Development

In the vibrant month of July, Beijing Energy Holding (BEH)’s Tongliao 2.38 million kW wind power base project built and operated by Beijing Energy International has achieved full-capacity grid connection, with 381 wind turbines harnessing the wind to transform a “gobi desert” into a “green oasis.” The completion of this project marks BEH’s installed capacity surpassing 50 million kW, accelerating the group company’s commitment to a green, clean, and low-carbon energy future.

On July 19, a grand ceremony was held in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, to celebrate the commissioning of the Tongliao 2.38 million kW wind power base project and the milestone of BEH’s installed capacity exceeding 50 million kW. The event was attended by representatives from the Tongliao municipal government, relevant departments, and the Horqin District; as well as BEH’s Party Secretary and Chairman Jiang Fan, Vice President Zhang Fengyang; Beijing Energy International’s Chairman and Executive Director Zhang Ping, Party Secretary and Trade Union Chairman Liu Guoxi, President Zhu Jun, Vice President Jia Geng, Vice President Wu Chaoke, and Vice President Jin Xin, and Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary Zhu Shengbo. Also present included Zou Shengping, Party Secretary and Chairman, and Xiang Xiaobin Deputy Party Secretary and President of PowerChina Jiangxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd.; Xu Haijun, Deputy Chief Economist of PowerChina SEPCOIII Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the New Energy Engineering Company; and Qu Fengzeng, Chairman of Inner Mongolia Longma Heavy Industry Group. The ceremony was hosted by Zhang Fengyang.

The event featured a video review of the construction progress of the Tongliao 2.38 million kW wind power base project.

Jiang Fan expressed gratitude on behalf of BEH to the Tongliao municipal government and all stakeholders for their ongoing support and extended heartfelt thanks to the project’s builders.

He highlighted that the Tongliao wind power base project is a significant milestone in the “Beijing-Inner Mongolia Cooperation” and a model of close collaboration between BEH and Tongliao City. The project’s completion is crucial for enhancing Tongliao’s ecological protection, developing a green, low-carbon industrial system, and promoting local economic growth. For BEH, the commissioning signifies a major achievement, surpassing the 50 million kW installed capacity milestone and reaching BEH’s 14th Five-Year Plan goal ahead of schedule.

Jiang Fan noted that BEH has leveraged the “Beijing-Inner Mongolia Cooperation” advantages, taking Inner Mongolia as a key area for energy business development. Over six years, BEH has doubled its total installed capacity and increased renewable energy capacity sixfold, demonstrating significant achievements in green transformation and rising economic and social benefits.

Moving forward, BEH plans to use the wind power base project as a cornerstone to further develop new energy projects in Tongliao, contributing to local economic growth, ecological protection, and people’s livelihood. They will continue to deepen comprehensive cooperation with Inner Mongolia in areas such as “Green Electricity to Beijing”, new energy development, and combined heat and power, intensifying investment and construction efforts with local governments and companies to advance “Beijing-Inner Mongolia Cooperation” and better serve the region’s economic and social development.

In his welcoming address, Zhang Ping emphasized that the Tongliao 2.38 million kW project is a flagship project of “Beijing-Inner Mongolia Cooperation” and Beijing Energy International’s first major wind power base. With the successful commissioning of the project, Beijing Energy International’s operational installed capacity has exceeded 10 million kW and its asset scale surpassed 100 billion yuan, marking a new milestone. He affirmed that Beijing Energy International will focus on Tongliao, leveraging all available advantages with a resolute commitment, professional team, and pragmatic actions to foster the new energy industry, set an example of government-enterprise cooperation, and meet the region’s green energy needs, thereby contributing to Tongliao’s economic development and green transformation.

Amidst enthusiastic applause, Jiang Fan announced the official commissioning of the Tongliao 2.38 million kW wind power base project and the milestone of BEH’s installed capacity surpassing 50 million kW. He, along with the guests, pressed the start button to celebrate the project’s successful completion.

After the ceremony, guests visited the Jingneng Mengdong Digital Central Control Operation Center and the Jingneng Horqin Gaolin 500 kV Substation.

The Tongliao 2.38 million kW wind power base project consists of two projects: the 1.38 million kW ecological governance wind power base project in Horqin District of Tongliao and the 1 million kW desert control wind power project in Horqin Zuoyi Houqi Banner, Tongliao. With a total installed capacity of 2.38 million kW and an investment of 17.7 billion yuan, the project’s clean energy is transmitted to Shandong via the Zhalute-Qingzhou ±800 kV UHVDC transmission line, achieving efficient long-distance transmission of clean energy.

After commissioning, the project is expected to provide 7.5 billion kWh of clean electricity annually, saving approximately 2.61 million tons of standard coal and reducing CO2 emissions by around 6.34 million tons. This will significantly promote the optimization and transformation of local energy structure and support high-quality regional economic development.

Since the project commenced comprehensive construction on July 19, 2023, it has faced numerous challenges, including scattered turbine locations, tight project schedules, large regional spans, and harsh climate conditions. Despite these complexities, all participating units collaborated closely, implementing detailed plans and actively coordinating grid connection, equipment delivery, construction reviews, and safety inspections. They carefully managed on-site construction processes, overcoming severe winter cold and strong winds to ensure progress and safety, and advancing the project with high quality and efficiency. The project has successfully started from scratch and achieved a significant leap forward.

From August 13, 2023, to November 21, 2023, the turbine foundations were completed in 100 days; from September 14, 2023, to April 30, 2024, all turbine installations were completed in 230 days; from November 9, 2023, to May 9, 2024, the 500 kV collection and boosting station was successfully energized in 183 days; from August 13, 2023, to May 12, 2024, the first turbine was connected to the grid in 273 days; and from July 19, 2023, to July 19, 2024, the project achieved full capacity operation in 365 days.

These achievements reflect the collaborative efforts of all participating units in overcoming challenges and embodying the spirit of perseverance and progress. The project has demonstrated a commitment to overcoming obstacles and achieving success, marking a significant step forward.

As the wind blows in Tongliao, BEH’s brilliance is unfolding. Standing at the new milestone of surpassing 50 million kW in installed capacity, BEH will remain committed to its mission of “Delivering Light, Warming Lives.” The group company will actively fulfill its responsibilities as a state-owned enterprise of Beijing, continuously exploring new ESG development models and examples. By collaborating with partners from various sectors and embodying the spirit of excellence, BEH aims to contribute its wisdom and strength towards achieving the national dual carbon goals and promoting high-quality economic development.