BJ ENERGY INTL Is Invited to Canada for Project Exchanges

From August 20 to 24, Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Board of Beijing Energy International, was invited to Toronto, Ontario, and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to discuss with local energy companies and relevant institutions regarding Canadian new energy project investment policies, development conditions, electricity pricing, construction timelines, and operational management. During the visit, Zhang Ping visited the Consulate General of China in Toronto, Bank of China Toronto Branch, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) of Ontario, Invest Alberta, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, as well as some local and Chinese enterprises, to discuss investment cooperation in the field of overseas clean energy.

During a meeting at the Consulate General of China in Toronto, Zhang Ping reported to Consul-General Luo Weidong on Beijing Energy International’s experience in overseas clean energy projects, such as those in Australia, and the company’s strategic direction for developing clean energy business in Canada. Consul-General Luo expressed his expectations for the company to expand its business in Canada, and Counselor Liu Linlin provided an overview of Canada’s investment environment and relevant information.

At the meeting with the Bank of China Toronto Branch, President Deng Jun introduced the business environment and historic opportunities in Canada, expressing a positive outlook on project development, market potential, and international cooperation in the field of clean energy. Zhang Ping expressed a willingness to strengthen cooperation with all institutions, including the Bank of China, to help enhance the presence of Chinese industries overseas and support the global transition to green and low-carbon energy development.

In meetings with the Independent Electricity System Operator of Ontario, Invest Alberta, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Beijing Energy International gained in-depth insights into the power market mechanisms across various Canadian provinces, the investment climate, notable case studies, and foreign investment regulations in Canada. This comprehensive understanding will enable the company to better prepare for investing in Canadian clean energy projects.

Lastly, Zhang Ping visited several energy investment institutions, developers, and contractors to gain a comprehensive understanding of local energy projects and their technical requirements.

Shi Weiwei, Chairman and Executive Director of Beijing Energy International’s Australian subsidiary, and Guo Liang, General Manager of the subsidiary, accompanied Zhang Ping during these engagements.