BJ ENERGY INTL Held Talks with Rongchang District Committee and District Government of Chongqing

On the morning of July 9, Zhu Jun, President of Beijing Energy International, met with Gao Hongbo, Secretary of the Rongchang District Committee of Chongqing in Beijing. Both parties held discussions on deepening cooperation in the clean energy sector.

During the meeting, Zhu Jun welcomed Gao Hongbo and his entourage and introduced the business development and future plans of Beijing Energy International. He stated that Chongqing is an important strategic pivot for the national western development initiative, and Rongchang District is located at the core of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, with a developed industrial economy and rich resources. He emphasized that Rongchang is one of the key areas for clean energy investment by Beijing Energy International. The company plans to leverage its expertise and industry synergies to increase clean energy investments in Chongqing, aligning with local development needs and energy structure characteristics. This effort aims to promote the industrial development in Rongchang and facilitate the upgrade of the regional energy industry, achieving both social and economic benefits.

Gao Hongbo remarked that Beijing Energy International, as a Hong Kong listed red-chip company, has a flexible and efficient mechanism and a strong development momentum. The company possesses rich experience and significant advantages in the clean energy sector. He expressed hope for both parties to strengthen communication and coordination, improve cooperation mechanisms, identify entry points and areas of synergy, and deepen collaboration in clean energy investment and construction, thereby achieving mutual benefits and common development.

After the meeting, Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Beijing Energy International, and Fang Yanshui, President of China National Machinery Industry Corporation (SINOMACH), accompanied Secretary Gao Hongbo on a visit to the SINOMACH headquarters, where they held a discussion. Beijing Energy International and SINOMACH reached a consensus on jointly promoting clean energy development in Rongchang District. Both parties will establish a long-term cooperation mechanism with the district government to facilitate the implementation of key projects and assist in the early realization of Chongqing’s dual carbon goals.

Attendees included Li Hao, Standing Committee Member of the Rongchang District Committee and Secretary of the Rongchang High-tech Zone Party Working Committee; Xu Liangzhi, Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau; Zhong Yuanfang, Deputy Director of the Economic and Information Commission; Xie Ke, Vice President of SINOMACH; Lu Jin, General Manager of China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC); and Vice President Jia Geng and Vice President Wang Liuhu from Beijing Energy International, General Manager of the Business Planning Department Liu Jiguang, Chongqing Project Preparation Team Leader Chen Yuxing, and General Manager of Jingqi New Energy Gao Zhenyu, among others.