BJ ENERGY INTL Held Business Exchange with Beijing Fashion Holdings Co., Ltd.

On July 9, Zhang Ping, Chairman of the Board of Beijing Energy International, met in Beijing with Guo Yonghao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director, and President of Beijing Fashion Holdings Co., Ltd (Beijing Fashion). The two parties conducted in-depth discussions on promoting cooperation in the fields of new energy and computing power. 

During the meeting, both parties introduced their respective business layouts and development plans. They agreed that there is strong complementarity and broad scope for business cooperation between Beijing Energy International and Beijing Fashion. They expressed hope to explore opportunities for cooperation in new energy development, construction of computing power centers, and other areas. The aim is to innovate cooperation models, deepen the fields of cooperation, fully utilize each other’s advantages, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and jointly contribute to the green and low-carbon transformation of the national energy sector.

Participants from Beijing Fashion included Duan Zhiqiang, Board Secretary and Director of the Party Office; Gao Hongbo, Director and President of Topnew Info; and Executive Vice President Li Xin and Ma Guotao; as well as Kang Kai, Manager of the Business Development Department. Participants from Beijing Energy International included Vice President Wang Liuhu; and Miao Chunyi, Deputy General Manager of Jingneng Digital Industry, among other relevant personnel.