BJ ENERGY INTL’s 1 Million KW Wind Power Project in Zuoyi Houqi Banner, Horqin, Tongliao Connected to Power Grid at Full Capacity

In the peak of summer this July, Beijing Energy International’s 1 million KW Wind Power Project in Zuoyi Houqi Banner, Horqin, Tongliao achieved a significant milestone. As of July 15, all 160 wind turbines have completed commissioning, realizing full-capacity grid connection.

Since the project’s full commencement on August 25, 2023, the team faced complex terrain and various local challenges. With steadfast determination, the project builders overcame numerous difficulties. On June 19, 2024, the 220 kV booster station successfully backfed power on the first attempt. The first wind turbine was connected to the grid on June 20, and by July 15, all 160 wind turbines were fully connected to the grid. This remarkable transformation from zero to full operation was achieved in less than a year.

The project boasts a total installed capacity of 1 million KW, equipped with 160 wind turbines, each with a unit capacity of 6,250 kW. The newly constructed 220 kV booster stations are reliably connected to a 500 kV pooling station via two 220 kV lines. The clean energy is then efficiently transmitted to the Shandong region through the Zhalute-Qingzhou ±800 kV DC UHV transmission channel, ensuring the safe and efficient long-distance transmission and utilization of clean energy.

As the saying goes, “when walking a hundred miles, ninety miles is only halfway” indicating that the success of a project hinges on persistence and determination. The project team will maintain its original mission, executing each task with a pragmatic and efficient attitude. As the project nears completion, the team will continue to work with caution and rigor, avoiding complacency, and ensuring all aspects of post-project defect elimination and accounting are meticulously handled. Additionally, the team will actively cooperate with relevant departments to ensure smooth handover procedures, guaranteeing the project’s successful completion and delivering a perfect conclusion.