BJ ENERGY INTL’s Agriculture-Fishery Complementary Ground Distributed Photovoltaic Project in Taizi Town, Zouping, Binzhou, Shandong Successfully Connected to Power Grid

On June 30, Beijing Energy International’s 8.9 MW agriculture-fishery complementary ground distributed photovoltaic project in Taizi Town, Zouping City, Binzhou, Shandong was successfully connected to the grid and started generating electricity.

With a total installed capacity of 8.9 MW, this project operates under a full grid-connection mode and is expected to produce approximately 11.7641 million kWh of green electricity annually after it goes into operation. This is equivalent to saving about 3,500 tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 9,800 tons, bringing significant environmental and social benefits. The project will further optimize local energy structure and support Zouping City’s transition to clean and low-carbon energy.